Exposing a Stream as a Managed API

Managed APIs refer to the APIs that are managed using MWARE ESB, namely REST APIs, GraphQL APIs, SOAP APIs, and Streaming APIs. This guide explains how to create a Streaming backend for a Streaming API, generate an AsyncAPI definition for the corresponding Streaming API, and then publish the AsyncAPI definition in the MWARE ESB Service Catalog.

This involves enabling the AsyncAPI functionality in the Streaming Integrator component. As a result, when you deploy a Siddhi application with an AsyncAPI definition in the Streaming Integrator server, the Streaming Integrator exposes it as an API in MWARE ESB's service catalog.

Step 1 - Enable publishing to the service catalog

Follow the instructions below to enable publishing the AsyncAPI definition to the service catalog in MWARE ESB:

  1. Configure the ESB port.

    You have to define the port to which the Streaming Integrator publishes the AsyncAPI definition.

    1. Open the <API-M_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

    2. Uncomment offset in the [server] section and set it to 5 as shown below.

  2. Configure the basic details needed to publish to the service catalog.

    1. Open the <SI_HOME>/conf/server/deployment.yaml file.

    2. Update the service.catalog.configs: section as follows:

          enabled: true
          hostname: localhost
          port: 9448
          username: admin
          password: admin
      In the above configuration -

      • You are enabling the AsyncAPI generation functionality by setting the enabled parameter to true.

      • You are specifying 9448 as the port because you configured a port offset of 5 in the previous step. The default port of the ESB is 9443.

Step 2 - Start Streaming Integrator and MWARE ESB

Start the Streaming Integrator server and the ESB server based on the instructions in the install and setup section.

Step 3 - Create a Streaming Backend

The Streaming Integrator component in MWARE ESB is powered by Siddhi. Therefore, you need to create a Siddhi application that has one or more sources, namely of the types websocket-server, webhooks, or sse, as the streaming backend.

Create a Siddhi application with the following Siddhi application configurations.

@App:description('Receive events via WebSockettransport in XML format')

@source(type='websocket-server',host = "localhost",port = "8025",
define stream SweetProductionStream (name string,amount double);

define stream LowProductionAlertStream (name string,amount double);

from SweetProductionStream 
select * 
insert  into LowProductionAlertStream;   


For more information on the configurations and what they mean, refer to Create a Siddhi application.

Step 4 - Generate the AsyncAPI definition

Enter the Streaming API related details to generate an AsyncAPI definition based on the Streaming Backend server details, and add the AsyncAPI definition to the Siddhi application.

  1. To view AsyncAPI definitions, you need to click Async API View. The Async API View is accessible only for Siddhi applications that have one or more sources/sinks of the websocket-server, webhooks, or sse type.

  2. Enter the following Streaming API related details to generate an AsyncAPI definition.

Field Value
Title SweetProductionApp
Version 1.0.0
Description Consumes events of sweet production
Select Source or Sink type to Generate Async API Select websocket-server
Sources Select SweetProductionStream
  1. Click Generate Async API to generate the AsyncAPI definition.

  2. Click Add Async API to add the generated AsyncAPI definition to the Siddhi application.

For more information, see Generating and Viewing AsyncAPI Definitions.

The following is the AsyncAPI definition that gets generated.

@App:asyncAPI("""asyncapi: 2.0.0
  title: SweetProductionApp
  version: 1.0.0
  description: Consumes  events of sweet production
    url: 'localhost:8025'
    protocol: ws
      - keystore.file: []
        $ref: '#/components/messages/SweetProductionStreamPayload'
        type: object
            $ref: '#/components/schemas/name'
            $ref: '#/components/schemas/amount'
      type: string
      type: number
      type: X509

Step 5 - Publish the AsyncAPI definition

You need to deploy your Streaming backend, which contains the AsycAPI definition, to the Streaming Integrator server in order to export the AsyncAPI definition that you generated to the service catalog in MWARE ESB.

Follow the instructions below to publish the AsyncAPI definition to the service catalog:

Let's deploy the AsyncAPIDef Siddhi application, which is the Streaming backend, into the Streaming Integrator server.

  1. Click Deploy, and then click Deploy to Server in Streaming Integrator Tooling.

    Deploy To Server

    This opens the Deploy Siddhi Apps to Server dialog box.

  2. Select the relevant checkbox for your Siddhi application, which contains the AsyncAPI definition, and for the server in which you want to deploy it.

  3. Click Deploy.

    For detailed instructions, see Deploying Siddhi Applications.

    After the Siddhi application is successfully deployed, the following log messages appear in the Streaming Integrator and ESB server logs to indicate that the AsyncAPI definition is successfully published in the Service Catalog.

    Siddhi App AsyncAPIDef deployed successfully
    Async API: SweetProdApp-1.0.0 uploaded to the service catalogue
    CommonUtil Creation of folder is successful. Directory Name : SweetProdApp-1.0.0`

Step 6 - View the service catalog entry in ESB

Follow the instructions below to view the service catalog entry in MWARE ESB:

  1. Sign in to the Publisher.


    For testing purposes, you can use https://localhost:9448/publisher and admin as the username and password.

    Open Service Catalog

  2. Click the hamburger icon and then click Services.

    The services, which includes the SweetProdApp service, appears.

  3. Click on the respective service (SweetProdApp) to view details of the managed service.

What's Next?
