
Logging in Choreo Connect is really important when debugging issues in a short period of time and looking into the underlying details of how each component works. Choreo Connect provides facilities for getting the logs in various formats (JSON, Plain text), various output methods and various logging levels.

Log Configurations

There are two main configuration files used by Choreo Connect for the logging purposes.

  • log_config.toml - This will be using for the log configurations related to adapter and router.
  • log4j2.properties - This will be using for the log configurations related to enforcer.

These files are located in the following locations based on your Choreo Connect deployment architecture.


Deployment File name Directory
Docker Compose - Choreo Connect in standalone mode log_config.toml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect/conf/
Docker Compose - Choreo Connect with MWARE ESB log_config.toml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect-with-apim/conf/
k8s - Choreo Connect in standalone mode logconfig-toml-configmap.yaml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/k8s-artifacts/choreo-connect/
k8s - Choreo Connect with MWARE ESB logconfig-toml-configmap.yaml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/k8s-artifacts/choreo-connect-with-apim/


Deployment File name Directory
Docker - Choreo Connect in standalone mode log4j2.properties <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect/conf/
Docker - Choreo Connect with MWARE ESB log4j2.properties <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/docker-compose/choreo-connect-with-apim/conf/
k8s - Choreo Connect in standalone mode log4j2-configmap.yaml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/k8s-artifacts/choreo-connect/
k8s - Choreo Connect with MWARE ESB log4j2-configmap.yaml <CHOREO-CONNECT_HOME>/k8s-artifacts/choreo-connect-with-apim/

Error Codes in Logs

In addition to these, the adapter and enforcer components have been defined with a set of error codes for each of the components’ error logs, in order to uniquely identify application errors. Following are the error codes ranges for each of the components.

  • Adapter error codes range from 1000 to 4999.
  • Enforcer error codes range from 5000 to 8999.

See Also

Here is a summary of topics that will be covered under this log configurations section.
