Deploying API-M on Kubernetes using Helm Resources

Follow the instructions below to use Kubernetes (K8s) and Helm resources for container-based deployments of MWARE ESB (API-M).


  • In the context of this document, <KUBERNETES_HOME> refers to a local copy of the wso2/kubernetes-apim Git repository that includes Helm Resources for MWARE ESB.
  • <HELM_HOME> will refer to <<KUBERNETES_HOME>/simple.


  • In order to use ESB Helm resources, you need an active MWARE Subscription. Otherwise you can proceed with Docker images, which are created using GA releases.

  • Install Git, Helm, Dep and Kubernetes client in order to run the steps provided in the following quick start guide.

  • An already setup Kubernetes cluster.

  • Install NGINX Ingress Controller. Please note that Helm resources for MWARE product deployment patterns are compatible with NGINX Ingress Controller Git release nginx-0.22.0.

  • Add the ESB Helm chart repository.

    helm repo add wso2 && helm repo update
  1. Checkout the Helm Resources for MWARE ESB Git repository using git clone :

    git clone
    git checkout tags/v4.0.0.1
  2. Provide the necessary configurations.


    The default product configurations for deployment of MWARE ESB are available here folder. Change the configurations, as necessary.

    Open the <HELM_HOME>/am-single/values.yaml and provide the following values for MWARE Subscription Configurations.

    Parameter Description Default Value
    wso2.subscription.username Your MWARE Subscription username ""
    wso2.subscription.password Your MWARE Subscription password ""


    If you do not have an active MWARE subscription, do not change the parameters wso2.subscription.username and wso2.subscription.password.

  3. Deploy MWARE ESB with MWARE ESB Analytics.

    Refer the Getting Started Guide to setup the cloud Analytics solution and obtain an on-prem key.

    helm install --dependency-update --name <RELEASE_NAME> <HELM_HOME>/am-single --namespace <NAMESPACE> --set wso2.choreoAnalytics.enabled=true --set wso2.choreoAnalytics.endpoint=<CHOREO_ANALYTICS_ENDPOINT> --set wso2.choreoAnalytics.onpremKey=<ONPREM_KEY>

    You can also provide the above configurations in the <HELM_HOME>/am-single/values.yaml file.

    Parameter Description Default Value
    wso2.choreoAnalytics.enabled Analytics enabled or not false
    wso2.choreoAnalytics.endpoint Analytics data publishing endpoint
    wso2.choreoAnalytics.onpremKey On-prem key for Analytics ""
  4. Access Management Console.

    1. Obtain the external IP (EXTERNAL-IP) of the Ingress resources by listing down the Kubernetes Ingresses.

      kubectl get ing -n <NAMESPACE>
      NAME                                               HOSTS                                ADDRESS          PORTS      AGE
      wso2am-single-node-am-gateway-ingress              <RELEASE_NAME>-gateway               <EXTERNAL-IP>    80, 443    7m
      wso2am-single-node-am-ingress                      <RELEASE_NAME>-am                    <EXTERNAL-IP>    80, 443    7m
      wso2am-single-node-am-websub-ingress               <RELEASE_NAME>-websub                <EXTERNAL-IP>    80, 443    7m

    2. Add the above hosts as entries in /etc/hosts file as follows:

      <EXTERNAL-IP> <RELEASE_NAME>-gateway
    3. Try navigating to https://<RELEASE_NAME>-am/carbon, https://<RELEASE_NAME>-am/publisher and https://<RELEASE_NAME>-am/devportal from your favorite browser.


You can read the README guide of MWARE ESB Git repository for further details on other dependencies and configurations.

For more information, see the deployment configurations with regard to the Advanced Deployment Patterns.
