CI/CD for Integrations - Overview

Continuous integration(CI) and continuous deployment(CD) for Integration is a must for delivering changes more frequently and reliably. Different organizations have different ways of addressing the problem. This is a guide of a reference implementation that involves a minimum number of parties in an organization for Integration automation. This guide contains three parts.

  1. VM based CI/CD - MI.

  2. Kubernetes based CI/CD - MI.

  3. Kubernetes based CI/CD - SI.

Phases of SDLC

Let's consider a deployment that has three typical environments as follows:

  • Developers use the Dev environment to develop their code and execute developer testing.
  • Staging (Quality Assurance) uses the Test environment for functional testing.
  • Actual consumers use the production environment

Project structure

Main project should be an Integration project (for MI based Integrations). Integration project can contain the multiple sub modules as follows.

  • ESB Configs module
  • Data Source Configs module
  • Data Service Configs module
  • Registry Resource module
  • Mediator module
  • Composite Exporter module
  • Connector Exporter module
  • Docker Exporter module
  • Kubernetes Exporter module

Please note that you are not allowed to create Nested Integration projects. Also, for CI/CD, it is recommended to maintain one GitHub repository per Integration project.
